Pros and Cons 2

          Japanese government has decided to teach children English at an elementary school but this decision has generated pros and cons. I agree with the new system. Proponents of this system insist that the earlier or younger people begin studying other language, the better they will become. On the other hand, some scholars warn that primary school children are not old enough to understand other language because they do not have enough knowledge about Japanese. However, I think it is better to study English in childhood because Japanese children learn to speak Japanese without using other language knowledge. Thus, when we study English, we do not need Japanese.

8 thoughts on “Pros and Cons 2

  1. Awkward, without using xxxx
    > However, I think it is better to study English in childhood because Japanese children learn to speak Japanese without using other language knowledge.

  2. Upon a careful correction and proofreading on this draft,,
    Please hand in the print out copy with the checklist, in class. Thanks.
    But I shall not take the copy home over the winter break, though. I hate to work during holidays, as much as you hate studying on holidays!!

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